Mixed media. Each piece of this 2018 series includes wood or bone found by the sea in Orkney.
A series of paintings from 2012.
Earthfast means fixed in the earth
These were based on observed field patterns, and used raw pigment from Morocco for egg tempera.
The frames were designed to be an integral part of the work.
A late-comer to the professional art world, I have been catching up since studying Fine Art; developing ways of finding my own identity as a maker. My artistic energy is fed by a love of the natural world, a compulsion to collect odd artefacts, and an occasional need to comment on current events. I use different media - often a mixture - and I particularly enjoy assemblage, print making and collage.
2007 – 2010 BA, Fine Art (First Class Honours), London Metropolitan University
1967 – 1970 BA, English Literature, York University
2017 Nancy Victor Gallery, Charlotte Place, London
2019 Nancy Victor Gallery, Charlotte Place, London
2015 Refuse/Reuse. Thurloe Street, South Kensington
2014 Injustice, La Galleria, London
2013 Continuum Exhibition (with Sarah Knight), Espacio Gallery, London
2012 Art at the Tabernacle Notting Hill, London
2011 Telling Tales Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, Pall Mall, London (curator for CASSA Art and exhibitor)
2010 Bizarre Art Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, Pall Mall - curator and exhibitor
2010 Second Impressions Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, Pall Mall, London (curator for CASSA Art and exhibitor) 2010 Journeys Masbro Centre, London
2009 First Impressions Royal Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, London (curator for CASSA Art, and exhibitor)
2007 Das Konzept ist… Mary Ward Centre
2016 Open Art Spaces, Kensington and Fulham
2015 Open Art Spaces, Kensington and Fulham
2014 ArtWest Open Studios (participant and Chair)
2013 ArtWest Open Studios (participant and Chair)
2012 ArtNorthWest Open Studios
2011 Art NW10 Open Studios
2018 Juxtapositions
2017 Ginnels and Snickets
2016 Promising Paths
2011 Portable Perspectives 2
2010 32 Fractions
2009 The Stile Guide
2008 Under Cover